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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Week 20: Baby is the size of a mango!

Highlights: Conference weekend! I say this every time conference comes around, but it really comes at the best time. I love listening to the leaders of our church talk about issues that we face currently and ways to strengthen our faith in this crazy world we live in now. My favorite talk was Saturday afternoon when Elder Cook spoke. If you haven't listened to it, you should! It can be found on under General Conference.

Halfway through the week on October 5, we had my 20 week ultrasound! They confirmed it is a girl as best they could see. She was being so stubborn (just like her mama!) and they couldn't get her to roll over or put her arms down. I couldn't believe how much she's developed and how much more you could see. We saw all 4 chambers of the heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Her fingers and toes were so much clearer and she was moving around like crazy. Any time they tried to push her one way or another to reposition her she put up a fight and wouldn't let them! It was pretty amusing to me.

Week 21: Baby is the size of a banana!

Highlights: Dayne and Ashley's sealing! Some good church friends of ours and fellow converts were sealed in the temple on October 8 and Brian and I got to be there to witness it! It was a beautiful ceremony and their three children were sealed to them at the same time. It was the first time I'd been to a live sealing with children and it was so sweet and special. Another fun part of it was that Brian's and my sealer, Brother Schultz was sealing Dayne and Ashley and he had been randomly selected to perform the sealing, so it was fun to see him and hear how he was doing.

Baby highlights: Baby girl is moving like crazy now. Brian keeps poking my belly and singing the popular Adele song, "hello from the outside..."


Week 22: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash!

Highlight: Brian officially felt baby girl move and now she does it all the time!

We had our ward Halloween party and trunk-or-treat and the chili I made for the cook-off won 2nd place out of 13, so that was fun! I wish trunk-or-treat was more of a thing where I'm from because kids make out like bandits and there's no reason to even trick or treat! After feeling like crap and being in pain all day from my back, I was a total party pooper and didn't dress up, but it was fun anyway. The young women were in charge so we had fun games and face painting for the kids also.

We bought baby girl's dresser so we officially have all the large furniture for her nursery and I've started creating some of the other decor for the walls!

Cravings: LEMON YOGURT. For like the last 5 weeks.

Week 23: Baby is the size of a papaya!

I had to work Saturday, October 22nd so I had off on Friday which was super nice because it was Brian's day off also. We both slept in and then got some stuff done around the house before going out to lunch together and heading to Target to finish up our registry! It's now done, except for a few small things. I didn't even begin to put any clothes on there because I figured it's pointless and people will give us a ton anyway. Plus we have SO many clothes once she gets bigger from Kevin and Amanda. I started sorting them out but I don't know where I want to put all her bigger sizes...

Time is going so fast (yet so slow) at the same time. I can't believe it's the end of October and we only have 3 1/2 months until baby girl is here. The next couple months are going to be SO crazy busy I don't even know where to begin. The end of the first week of November-end of the 2nd week I will be in southern California for a super fun work trip, so I'm excited for that, but also excited for it to be over so we're closer to the holidays!

Baby news: She's killing me from the inside. Round ligament pain and sciatic nerve issues are real. More than one day this week I was unable to either get out of bed all day or walk more than 100 feet without almost collapsing. I feel massive and I know it's only going to get worse. I'm starting to question why I wanted a baby bump because now when I see a pregnant woman who's bigger than me, my anxiety at the thought that my stomach will soon be that big is out of control. It's taking everything in me to stay positive and optimistic. At least I know at the end of this I'll be holding my beautiful little baby girl and I'll be grateful for that!


Week 24: Baby is the size of an ear of corn!

Halloween weekend, yay!! I have to be honest and say I didn't do much that weekend except clean and cook and relax (which was super nice). Sunday, I taught YW at church and Brian had lots going on with church and school... I swear we never stop moving. But Halloween day we had a big soup cook-off at work and I made a loaded baked potato soup that won 3rd place! I'm on a roll with soup/chili this year. That night we went to Brian's parents house for Lindy's annual Halloween dinner with both sets of Brian's grandparents which was fun. We stayed to hand out candy for awhile and then decided we were too old and boring and went home to relax and watch tv. And of course, Brian did homework.

Today I went to see the chiropractor to get my back fixed before my big work trip! I'm hoping I'll survive this trip (both physically and mentally since this will be the first time Brian and I have been apart for a night since we got married and I'll be gone over a week). We leave bright and early tomorrow so my next week's post will be much more exciting than these mini-updates. 

On a side note... I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE COMING HOLIDAYS. That is all.


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