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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Wow, so much has happened and I have been sooo bad about recording it! I better do it now before baby comes because I'm sure I'll be falling behind way worse once she arrives!
So my last post was on New Year's Day and our focus ever since has been on getting last minute details ready for baby! I'm down to my weekly appointments now so it's nice to know we're getting close but also frustrating and I'm trying to be patient when it feels like I'm not progressing quickly.
The first weekend of January, we had our childbirth prep class and tour of McKay Dee, which definitely made me feel more prepared and Brian kept talking about how much he learned. The instructor had the "empathy belly" for all the husbands to try on and it was pretty funny. I'll have to include a photo of that!

The second weekend, Aneisa took our maternity photos at Big Cottonwood Canyon and I love them!! I will definitely include those as well! She always does such an amazing job and I'm so lucky to have such a talented friend!!
However, that Sunday we had a bump in the road we didn't anticipate. On Saturday night after the photo shoot, I started feeling sick. My lungs felt super congested and I had a little bit of a fever and sore throat. The next morning I woke up feeling like death so Brian took me to the Syracuse Instacare and what a waste of time that was! The doctor there was terrible. He ran a rapid flu test on me and proceeded to "diagnose" me without doing a dang thing. He told me I had the same thing as everyone else but that since I got the flu shot since I'm pregnant, my test would come back negative and there was nothing he was going to do for me. He wouldn't prescribe me the only thing I can take pregnant, Tamaflu, because he was "looking out for my wallet." At 6 am the next morning, I was in the emergency room with a fever of 102.1. Because my fever was so high, it was causing baby's heart rate to spike and by 11 AM I was admitted to the hospital overnight so they could monitor her. It took over 12 hours for them to get my fever under control and by that point I was so dehydrated they were pumping liter after liter into me via IV. Not a fun time. On top of that, I wasn't allowed to go back to work until the following Monday because I was highly contagious. Normally I'm the type to clean and organize the entire house when I'm stuck at home too long, but this week I was so exhausted all week all I did was sleep and lay on the couch.
When I went in for my weekly appointment that Friday, I was still so dehydrated I spent another couple hours at the doctor's where they gave me two more liters via IV. Not ideal.

I was able to go back to work the following week luckily and since then my days have consisted of working, relaxing at home, finishing the nursery, washing baby clothes and organizing, and waiting for her to show up! My cute young women from church and fellow YW leaders threw me a surprise baby shower the last week of January and that was so fun!

Baby updates.... January 6 was 34 weeks and baby was the size of a pineapple... 35 weeks made her a canary melon, whatever the heck that is and it was also another Friday the 13th (which we love and are lucky for us since we were married on a Friday the 13th). I don't remember what creative fruit or melon they gave for 36 weeks... 37 she was a winter melon (also what is that...?) and this week at 38 she's the size of Swiss chard.
Honestly I think all these fruits and veggies are lies. For a few weeks I was still having issues with my sciatic nerve but now everything else hurts so much I don't even notice it! I feel like a beached whale all the time, my stomach suffocates me when I sit down, I can't even accidentally roll onto my back in my sleep anymore because it's too painful, and my hips ache when I sleep on one side for too long, so I basically toss and turn constantly now and neither Brian or I get any sleep. The whole "sleep before baby comes" advice is total crap because it's impossible.

At my 36 week appointment I was 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced, and I told myself I wasn't going to have them check me anymore because it's a no win situation. However, after having terrible cramps and abdominal pain all week, at my 38 week appointment they asked to check me and I let them.... 100% effaced but still only dilated 1/2 cm. Of course I left disappointed like I knew I would because I wasn't any farther dilated, but even if they had said I was I would have had false hope expecting her to be coming any minute.

I went back to work today and the pain and cramps keep getting worse. I know at this point there's nothing I can do but wait, but it would sure be great if this baby would be an overachiever like her mom and show up a few weeks early!! I'll include pictures here, cross your fingers that baby will makes her arrival soon!!! :)

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