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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This weekend was jam packed full of fun festivities but sadly the weather did not feel "Memorial Day warm." Welcome to Utah, I guess! Saturday we went to the Payson Temple open house! In true last minute fashion, we went the very last day of the open house and could have suffered for it, had we not cut out on the preliminary video and jumped right to the line touring through the temple. There was easily 500 people there and we got there at 10 AM. Luckily we made it through everything in about an hour and a half. My cousin, Kimmy, is out here visiting for a short time so we dragged her along with us for the day! It was a beautiful temple and I especially loved the grand double marble staircases with iron bars and deep wooden railings. It's so neat to see how each individual temple is different and specially themed. I've included a link with a video to see the inside, plus pictures for your viewing pleasure! :)

Monday was spent fourwheeling all day with Brian's parents out in Promontory. I meant to take pictures but we were all super muddy. Wonderful weekend outdoors, despite the chilly and rainy weather!

Inside the Payson Temple Video

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fulfilled my dream of seeing Ed Sheeran in concert with my old (favorite) co-worker, her daughter, and her daughter's friend. It was an incredible concert, even with our nosebleed seats! Absolutely love his music and he played some of my new and old favorites :)

 The gang's all here.
 So worth the seats.

Shera and I.

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 6-12, Brian and I went to Florida! It was the first time I've been back since I moved away and it was harder to leave than I imagined. I think we actually had a pretty full visit and accomplished doing all the things we wanted to and seeing all the people I missed so dearly though. Breakdown of our vacation: Beach, game night at Joe and Julie's with Kimberly and Austin, more beach with Jamesiepie, Rays game vs. the Rangers, seeing Ben and Alicia's home (post reconstruction), going to an amateur skating competition in Tampa, visiting Michael and Sarah, mandatory date night on Pier 60 and Clearwater Beach, church and seeing all my favorite people, Sunday family dinner, more beach, visiting one of the missionaries that taught me (Elder Nilsen still has 9 months left of his mission), Dinosaur World, not enough beach, and an extra night at Gramma's due to a tropical storm. Living in Florida for those 6 months last year was the best decision I've made in years.

"You'll never be completely at home again because a part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for knowing and loving people in more than one place..."

 Kimberly's brother and sister-in-law recently had a new baby boy, Alexander. He is precious! (And Kevin & Shannon have already carted him to numerous Rays games, way to be guys!!)

Joe and Julie have the cutest boys, I swear. Welcome to the Meyers family, Baby Seth! You are PERFECT.

I've already been replaced as the boys favorites. As soon as Brian picked up a light saber and played Star Wars, he won them over.

Date night at Clearwater Beach and Pier 60.

 Florida sunsets are the best sunsets.

I don't think a better picture has ever been taken of Elder Nilsen and I.

Brian borrowed Kimmy's skimboard and was quite good at it, my snowboarding, skateboarding, longboarding balancing wiz of a boyfriend.

My favorite homies.

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