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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Monday, September 28, 2015

When I was little, the circus would come to town (Baltimore) every year on my birthday weekend. I was obsessed with animals, especially my "ellie-pants" and going to the circus was the best treat I could have ever asked for on my birthday. I kept up with this tradition until I was 14 or 15, until I thought it was uncool to go to the circus for your teenage birthday.
I've decided it's not too uncool for me anymore.
About a month or so ago, I heard the circus was coming to town on the radio. I immediately freaked out and told Brian about it and said we should get tickets. Like everything else, if we don't buy tickets immediately, we forget about it and then when we remember, the event is over.
After a week or so I forgot about it and if I had remembered, I probably wouldn't have thought to still try to get tickets.
On Thursday night last week, Brian called me and asked if we had plans for the next evening. A few friends had asked us if we wanted to do something, but I knew he was asking if I had secretly planned any other urgent wedding events that he had to attend (which I don't make him do frequently) and when I said no, he said "good, because I got us tickets to the circus if you still want to go."
OF COURSE I DID. So we went and we were probably the only people (besides the couple that sat directly beside us) that didn't have children. But that's okay, because I'm sure the way I squealed when the elephants came out led everyone to believe I was a child.
There were camels, horses, elephants, tons of clowns and dancers, trapeze acrobats, a clown cannon, a guy in this spinning salt & pepper ride shaker thing (I don't know what it was but it was cool as he ran on the top of it as it spun in circles 50 feet off the ground), and lots of lions among other things. I admit it was slightly cheesy, and I won't make Brian suffer through it again until we have children, but it was a blast nonetheless. And since he had NEVER BEEN ( is that even possible....), I'm super ecstatic he surprised me with tickets. 

Saturday, Sabra, Kate, Jessica and I went to the South Towne Bridal Show. We left in a sugar coma after incredible cupcakes, hours d'ouvres, drinks, and desserts. I was almost sad that I'm such an avid planner because when we got there, my accompanying bridal party looked at me and asked "what do you still need...?" To which I realized....... nothing. Well, except cake. But we have a consultation appointment for that on Wednesday night. So yeah, nothing.
It was nice to go and see everything, including the store where I bought my dress. I oohed and ahhed, but still appreciated that my dress was more beautiful than all the ones there and I have successfully planned everything as perfect as the examples, for about a quarter as much money ;)

Sunday, Brian and I went back to visit my ward and give out some invitations! I can't believe it's less than 7 weeks away now. It still seems forever away, but the fact that this week starts the beginning of October makes it better!


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