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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I'm shocked I'm even allowing myself to post these photos since so much of the home is undecorated.. But here it is: our 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, first home!

#1: Brian took down the outside ivy for me on Saturday and the house looks so much better without it!

#2: Backyard view from the corner of the back patio.

#3: Cute little storage shed in the back yard.

#4: Our new patio furniture that we love. Not pictured: on sale umbrella and free canopy ;)

 #5: The part of the master bedroom that's clean. We painted our bedroom walls a bright blue like the ocean and love it. Pictured to the right: my walk in closet. Brian's clothes may end up in one of the spare bedroom closets...

#6: The side of my closet that's somewhat organized. Love having my walk-in closet, I wasn't willing to part with that when I moved out of my last apartment :)

#7: Master bathroom. Not pictured: the big storage closet on the left when you first walk in to the bathroom. I love having my own bathroom inside the bedroom. Makes me feel like a real adult.

#8: Spare bedroom number one. As you can see, the paint on the walls makes the room extremely dark. I'll be painting that in the near future... But both spare bedrooms have full, double-door closets!

 #9: Spare bedroom number two. I'm threatening to leave the walls pink and make this room Brian's man cave :)

#10: Spare bathroom. Undecorated... probably for the next month and a half until it needs to be prepped for wedding company!

 #11: One side of the kitchen. Future projects include adding tile backsplash above the oven, painting the walls and cabinets, and replacing the floor.

#12: Other side of the kitchen. They built on to the kitchen and added extra pantry storage which is very nice. The door on the right leads to the back yard.

#13: Front view of living room from the front right corner of the house. The kitchen is in the back of the downstairs. The front door and steps leading upstairs are to the left. Gray walls were painted by us.

#14: View of the living room from the front landing of the stairs. (With lots of unpacked items)

 I'm so excited to continue painting and decorating. The home isn't huge, but is very spacious and it seems there is a place to put everything! I'm loving decorating and planning :)

Not pictured: interior of our garage.

Please contact me directly for our address!

1 comment:

  1. Jess, I love it and love what you've done with it so far!!! The colors you've chosen are crisp and clean and beautiful!!! I'm sure you're enjoying living there already. It was so good to see you and Brian when we were out there to see Christy and Matt and the girls recently. I am SO excited to see your mom again!!!!!!! I have truly missed her and can't wait to see her again!!! Well, enjoy all your home decorating and wedding planning. Love you!!!
    Aunt Mary


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