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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Monday, June 26, 2017

My sweet baby girl is four months old! She is so much fun and sure makes us laugh! She makes the funniest facial expressions and has the best belly laugh. 

Her new favorite thing to do is hold her feet, and pretty much always put them in her mouth. She loves to hold hands and when she is trying to fall asleep she loves having her arms tickled (just like her daddy). 

Since moving to Florida, we've gone to the beach so much. Luckily, Tatum loves it! She loves laying on her belly with her hands in the sand and she throws a fit when we take her out of the ocean!

Since we are so lucky to be surrounded by so much family, Tatum has lots of second cousins to play with and they all love keeping her busy! She loves other kids and watches them very intently. 

Her favorite toys are the ones that crackle or jingle and she loves when we sing to her! Basically she likes weird noises ;). She talks and chatters all the time herself and we love her little voice so much! She still loves talking to my mom on the phone and will stop crying/fussing as soon as she hears her voice.

She's started wearing some 6 month clothes because she's tall, and she's getting so well at sitting up, especially in her walker. She's always had very strong legs and loves to be standing whenever she can. Every month that goes by she grows bigger and learns so much. I am so blessed to have been given her and to be her mama! 


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