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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Week 14
Baby is the size of a LEMON!
This week was eventful! We had a family reunion for Brian's mom's side of the family and we all went camping up at Memorial Park from Thursday-Saturday.
Camping this time was much more enjoyable than Girl's Camp and Moab! Maybe because our campsite was shady with the river flowing past it, and we spent all day on Friday at Pineview in the water, but it was much more relaxing and I definitely felt less nauseous... except for Friday afternoon when I got a little overheated. Overall, I think the weekend was good, but apparently my stomach isn't a fan of the canyon roads anymore because on our way home, Brian had to pull over a block from our house because I couldn't wait to throw up my lunch. Oh well, it was a valiant attempt.
I can't believe in just a few short weeks we'll be finding out if this baby is a boy or girl!
I think that's what we're most excited about. It's so funny to listen to Brian talk about girl's names he likes because he's so critical of them. But then again so am I, so I have no room to talk! :)
I'm still exhausted all the time and there's been many nights where I just come home and fall asleep by 5:30 and sleep until the next morning... Poor Brian.
I'm excited to have more strength and energy!

Week 15
Baby is the size of a NAVEL ORANGE!
I was so proud of myself this weekend because I regained some of my former social life and actually made it a whole Saturday without a nap, AND I went to Maegan's baby shower and Jordan's bridal shower.... IN THE SAME DAY! (It's the little things once you're preggo!)
It's official. Florida has been canned. But in the long run it was probably a blessing in disguise because I was able to put all the money towards our flights home for Christmas, ultimately saving us a lot of money on travel this year.
*Side note: Southwest Airlines is the best. No change or cancellation fees, even their cheap flights can be cancelled and the funds used for future travel, and they're usually the cheapest and you don't have to pay for baggage. Can you tell I'm partial? ;) *
So, now our flights for Christmas are taken care of and I am definitely less of a worrywart!
This week I've been feeling a lot better. I'm still really tired but not to the extent that I was between weeks 10-13. I've minimized the throwing up to a couple times a week instead of a few times a day, and I'm looking at the light at the end of the tunnel!
I've officially started my Baby List registry because not having things more organized has been driving me nuts, and I have almost all the nursery furniture picked out!
I feel like we have so much going on and so many things in the works but nothing else is concrete yet, so I don't want to spill any of it!
We're still looking forward to finding out Baby Baldwin's gender the most, and we've started planning the gender reveal party :) Many thanks to Sabra and Lindy who I know will do all the work and make it incredible, even if it is supposed to be a casual BBQ haha.
I think that's all the updates I have... if I'm forgetting things I'll blame pregnancy.
The photo above was taken on Sunday, August 28. If I take the weekly pictures on Sundays, I'm already dressed up and forget less often. But after Brian took this photo I remember thinking "OH MY GOSH I DEFINITELY LOOK PREGNANT NOW!'
Luckily, (or unluckily?) as of yesterday I've only gained 1 lb. since my 12 week baby appointment.
I'll just keep reminding myself of that! 


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