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Brian and Jessica

Brian and Jessica
Just a young couple with a toddler, exploring the world and living life happily together!

Monday, August 31, 2015

I thought I knew what the word busy meant when I was going to college full-time, working, and accomplishing a 450 hour internship, but I was wrong. Busy means your full-time job is as a marketing director for 10 attorneys while planning a wedding in 3 months and buying a house that you also want to decorate before your lease expires 20 days after your closing date. And did I mention I commute 45 miles each way every morning and evening? And that I’m barely sleeping? That’s where I’m at.

It feels like I’m not getting anything done, but slowly my ratio of items on my “still to do” list to my “accomplished” list is growing.. Or shrinking… I don’t know, the second list is getting longer.

Once I turned over the task of finding acceptable bridesmaid dresses over to my maid-of-honor, she (of course) came through and found them. But of course, I ordered them so they came in all the wrong sizes. The term “fits true to size” is a straight up lie… We have the reception venue booked and the catering decided on. Flowers, engagement photos, and the luncheon location are done. When I say it this way, it feels like nothing is done, but it really is. The important thing is we have the wedding night hotel & our week long honeymoon to Jamaica booked! Vacation can’t get here soon enough..

Good news: we got the house appraisal back and because there were already two offers on the table, our offer was a good bit higher than the house appraised for. Our awesome realtor totally looked out for us and negotiated our way down a few thousand dollars! I’m a happy camper. 

I think my body finally caught up to the level of stress my mind is at because Friday night I came down with a fever and I’m fairly certain my stomach hurts constantly. Luckily, Saturday I decided I wasn’t going to let it get to me and Brian and I hiked to Donut Falls again. We said before we would go there when the river was down before the end of summer so we could go into the cave and we actually succeeded! The water was freezing and Brian insisted on standing in the waterfall, so he was sufficiently soaked after. It’s a really pretty, light hike (very family friendly). Definitely one of our favorites!

Saturday night, we decided to act like locals and we went to the Ogden Raptors baseball game (The LA Dodgers minor league team) with Randy, Sabra, Zac, and Kate. Afterward we had game night at Brian’s house and it was such a stress relief to hang with friends and laugh. Brian was finally released from being his YSA ward’s Elder’s Quorum President so he’s actually able to go to church with me now which is super nice. Only 9 days until the keys to our new home are in our hands! If you can’t tell, I’m totally counting them down. 

We've squeezed in a lot of temple grounds walking lately.. Great stress reliever.

1 comment:

  1. Feeding those fish on your sidebar is also a great stress relief


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